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“Twenty Feet from Stardom”

20 Feet from Stardom film stillWinning best documentary at last night’s Oscar at the 86th Academy Awards, “Twenty Feet from Stardom” is a riveting reminder that most great things in life are achieved anonymously.

In an interview with NPR’s Mandalit del Barco back in June 2013, director and film maker, Morgan Neville said that his goal was to bring the voices of background singers – “female, black, and honed in the church – front and center.” Morgan goes on in the interview to say, “I was really more interested in looking at people who were kind of voices for hire, who were able to walk into sessions never knowing what they had to do and could bring it.”

The background singers – They tell their stories of coming close to stardom but it never panned out. Some still take every opportunity to sing. But sadly, many quit in frustration even with the knowledge that the background singers are equally if not more important than the star for the quality and success of the music. Doing what they loved wasn’t enough to keep the dream alive for many of the women.

What about you? Is your dream to be a background singer? Is your dream live anonymously? Probably not. Most people, if human, have an innate desire to be seen and heard. A very valid need.

The problem with this need is that is holds our dreams hostage waiting for our day in the spotlight. If we don’t get the lead role, we won’t be in the play. If we are not handed the microphone, we sit idle on the side, waiting for our moment of stardom to come to us.

The Bible calls this burying your talent (Matthew 25:14-30). When you bury your talent, you are bound to forget were you put it. You will go on living life, simple going through the motions instead of experiencing and embracing the gifts that God has given you. If you have been hiding your talent, I wonder if you would consider dig it up and allow yourself the opportunity and the glory of spreading your wings to fly in the very place, position or season that God has granted you today. Regardless, of the circumstances.

Are you ready and willing to stand twenty feet from stardom and “bring it”?
I know I am!

4 Responses
  • longandluxe
    March 4, 2014

    Dear Girl Meets Self,

    What a beautiful post! I agree with you about not burying your talents, because I truly believe this world craves these gifts, even as imperfect as they are – they are the gifts that inspire one another. We kind of owe it to each other to un-bury our talents, as you say.

    It’s cool I found your article today, as I just wrote on the same topic for You, In Bloom. Thank you for your inspirational writing! 🙂

    Here is the magazine if you wanted to check it out:

    • angelalcraig
      March 5, 2014

      So glad to meet you Allison! I loved your blog too. I look forward to reading more.
      Have a blessed day inspiring others!

  • Denise
    March 9, 2014

    Beautiful reminder, Angela. It’s good to have spiritual pokes that we live not for the glory of self! Thanks, sweet friend.

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