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Loss and Thanksgiving…

thanksgivingThis morning, as I prayed for two friends who experienced the sudden loss of ones they love and for another who is in a battle for her life against cancer, I was reminder of how quickly life can change and how precious each moment is.

I am inspired as I watch each of these women overcome loss with thanksgiving.

Give thanks in all circumstances.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

This is who these women are teaching the world we should be.

Reflecting back on my weekend I see how my Gratitude List  is filled with memories that could have easily been forgotten without the reminder that life pivots on a dime. Control is an illusion I only think I own.

The struggle to get out the door to exercise turned into a 9 mile hike with cherished friends – laughter, accountability, and a strong heart beating within my body replaced the struggle and apathy. Other things could be taken for granted – the freedom to study the Bible openly in community. Celebrating my husband’s birthday with friends and family with every expectation that he will be with me for a long life. Or being reminded that it was a just over a year ago I longed for my mom to move here from Arizona, and now she is 7 miles away…ready for a day of shopping and lunch. The joy of watching my teen boys wake up taller than the day before and trying new recipes of pumpkin pancakes and hotdog twists on them as they watch the Seahawk game with their Dad and a good friend. The ability to sneak in a little golf and writing in between more birthday celebrations and an impromptu church auction with girlfriends.

These are a few of the things I am thankful for.

What is on your Gratitude List today?

4 Responses
  • Dena Reindel
    October 29, 2014

    Thank you Angela for this blog and your kind words of wisdom and faith. I am not looking forward to the holidays this year due to the loss of my sister, Carmen in January (and my two aunts and cousin this year too). Your thoughts make me realize that though it will be a very difficult holiday for me and my family – we must be grateful for the time we had and make new memories. They will never be forgotten. I pray for my family and the strength to try to get through these holidays without our beautiful Carmen. Please keep her family in your prayers.

      October 29, 2014

      Dena, I am so glad you wrote. This has been a horrible year of loss for you and your family and my words could never be a big enough eraser to heal that pain. I want you to know that I pray for your family OFTEN and Carmen never strays far from my mind. I miss her. One day, worry over took me for the load that your family, Jeff and the children are carrying and God gave me a picture of Carmen. She was not worried. She saw things from God’s perspective and that perspective was a future filled with HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE. Keep believing, that is the message I want you to hear.
      I am grateful for you today Dena. Keep reaching!

      • Dena Reindel
        October 29, 2014

        Thank you Angela, I needed to hear this today. We celebrated Carly’s 15th birthday last Friday – Carmen would be so proud! I hear her voice in my ear now and then, I just need to take more time to listen carefully 😉

  • Angela Howard
    October 30, 2014

    I’m thankful for you!

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