As a coach you would think I would be a big fan of goal setting at the beginning of a New Year. I am not. So often we set goals we will never keep or didn’t really want in the first place. In fact, only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them.
I want to give you a moment to rethink your New Year’s goals today.
True transformation happens when God calls you to do something and you act on His idea. This is something you should be doing all year long, not one day of the year. It is called listening obedience. Even if you are not a Christian, the God who created the universe is speaking to you. He wants to have a relationship with you (better than any human relationship). If you listen closely, you will hear Him speaking to your spirit. It is pretty cool!
One tradition I keep at the New Year is the ONE WORD CHALLENGE.
Each year I prayerfully consider what God is asking me to work on for the next year. This is about character. It is character that effects every other aspect of my life. My relationships, my health, my purpose… I ask Him to be specific about what I need to work on to be more like Jesus.
In the past my words have been:
This year, the word I am hearing from God is, CHERISH.
What ONE WORD will you start the New Year with?
Here is a simple guide to get you started:
- PREPARE your heart in prayer.
- DISCOVER your topic by asking God what He wants to redeem or transform in your life this year.
- DIALOGUE with others on the changes you want to make. (Transformation happens in community.)
- Choose ONE WORD that brings clarity and focus to your goal.
- LIVE OUT your word each day with others.
For me, living out the word JOY this in 2016 started with one definition and ended with another as God changed my heart and brought me closer to Him. I know that living out the word, CHERISH begins with pure acceptance of others and myself. I am confident God will not let my journey end there.
If you have had ONE WORD in years past, please share your experience with others in the comments below. I know it will be an encouragement to us all.
January 2, 2017Last year it was resignation. To be as Mary, “whatever and however you decide, God, will be fine with me.” Very positive and transformational experience for a planner and ‘doer.’
Looking forward to a year of joy.
Thanks, angela, for leading the way.
Angela L Craig
January 10, 2017That is a powerful statement Rosemarie! Thank you.
January 2, 2017My word in prayer is abundance for 2017. I never ever got into making resolutions and now in my walk with God it is more relevant for me to be obedient to the seasons that He takes me to and through. Happy new year everyone. May it be a blessed one for all.
Angela L Craig
January 10, 2017Happy New Year Corena! I love your word!
Tammy Allison
January 3, 2017My word this year is “give.” I know what this means right now but am excited to see what God means by it in my life. My words of the past have been “joy” and “trust.”
Angela L Craig
January 10, 2017I love it!
Beverly Neiswanger
January 3, 2017My word last year was ‘surrender’. God kept reminding me very often what it means to surrender to Him, to others, my rights, my time, etc. It was life-chaninging to me to intentionally surrender different areas of my life. Humbling.
Angela L Craig
January 10, 2017It is amazing the transformation God offers is through one simple word.