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Why Facebook is Better Than Ever at Building Up the Local Church (Part 2)

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If you missed Why Facebook is Better Than Ever at Building Up the Local Church (Part 1) Creating Meaningful Community, GO HERE.

Now for part 2.

The Yellow Pages of the 21st Century

Facebook has become the yellow pages for all businesses… including churches. Research show that most people will visit your Facebook page BEFORE they ever go to your website.

Anyone, from almost anywhere can check out your church, your teaching, your events, and your culture – risk free. You can LITERALLY reach the ends of the earth with a few clicks of the finger.

I like to call Facebook “the front porch to faith”. This is why CONTENT is more important than ever.

Before posting anything, consider your target audience and your goals.

Then, decide if you want to create a Facebook Page or a Facebook Group.

If your target audience is your local community with the goal of inviting people to your church, consider creating a non-profit Facebook page.

If your target audience is “members only” consider creating a private group instead of a page.

In either case, be consistent and follow the “less is more” principle. If you need ideas or a sample week of what to post, stay tuned for Why Facebook is Better Than Ever at Building Up the Local Church (Part 3)

Second, ask 3 people inside your church and 3 from outside your church to evaluate your current content. So often we post content that is not relevant to our audience or our mission. I know, I have done it!

In addition, watch your language. Be careful of exclusive and “Christianese” language.

For example:

“Our church exists to reach people who are far from God.” Even if it is true, people don’t want to be identified as “far from God”, “lost” or a “sinner”. This is a realization that comes to each of us by the work of the Holy Spirit through a loving community & relationship with God.

Here is another one…

“Let’s invite the Holy Spirit into our prayer time.”

Even words like “small group” or “devotional time” or “worship” can be confusing for people who have not attended church.

Ask yourself, “If I had never stepped foot inside church walls would I understand what is being said?”

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could get everyone in your church to invite a friend or family member to church every week? When you take time to post value added, relevant and encouraging content, your church members will share it and your church will grow.

Stay tuned for PART THREE of “Why Facebook is Better Than Ever at Building Up the Local Church: They came together daily”

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