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How to be famous…

Photo Credit: Jon Tyson @jontyson

Mark and I just returned from a trip to Nashville. Nashville is a place you go to chase your dreams. Singers songwriters music producers…you name it, they are there. But how many people really become famous?

Mathematician, Samuel Arbesman came up with a clever shortcut for getting that number: Divide the “famous-people” count by the global population (7,059,837,187) It is and you get 0.000086, or 0.0086 percent.

If you didn’t notice, 0.0086 percent is not that many people!

I don’t write this to burst your bubble or stomp on your dreams. In fact I write this for the opposite reason.

We all have the desire to be seen and known. And most of us have a secret fantasy to be famous. It is in our human make up. It is a human need, as strong as our need for food or water or love.

But what happens when people are not seen for the gifts and talents they have?

Instead of quitting, change your perspective.
If you are a singer…sing.
Sing lullaby’s to your children.
Sing in the church choir.
Sing because God gave you a gift that should be shared with the world and when you sing you bring glory to He who created you!

Don’t quit! If you shoot for the stars, you may reach the mountain by surprise!

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