I am a woman of white privilege…
I am a woman whose heart seeks justice, equality, and dignity for every human being. But over the past few months, I have felt my voice go silent as I became paralyzed by the continued acts of violence and discrimination enacted against my African American friends,
The Impostor Syndrome…Why Women Hide
On a flight from Seattle to New York, my husband and I were sitting in first class. Occasionally I would look up from my reading to watch people navigate the isle to board the plane, adding the occasionally polite good morning or smile as people walked by.
What does it take to influence others {Week Four}
Influence is recognition not competition.
Being a woman that encourages and promotes other women in their calling and purpose in life seems to be a bit of an anomaly.
Women compare, compete, and complain when other women get what they want or think they deserve.
What does it take to influence others…(Week Three)
Friends, we are obsessed with our bodies, but at the same time we are completely detached from them. What are you telling your body today? Are you saying, you are broken. Why can’t you do more? Quit being lame and tired – push through.
What does it take to influence others…(Week Two)
Influence happens through communication.
Research estimates that leaders spend 70 – 90 percent of waking hours in some form of communication (Barrett, 2006). This fact alone establishes reason to focus on learning effective communication skills. If communication becomes routine, it will quickly lack focus.
What does it take to influence others? (A Mini Blog Series…)
Whether you know it or not, you are an influencer.
Everyday you say and do things that impact others decisions, moods, and ideas about life. Maybe you have influence over your kids, your co-workers, or ministry team. Regardless, you have an unseen power to effect,
Let’s Be Better Humans
This blog innocently started in a nail shop. One of the shop’s owners, Vi, invited me to pick a color and have a seat at the pedicure station. Routine start. I sat down in the pedicure chair and was greeted by a new technician. She was kind and sweet in spirit.
Sometimes you win. But most of the time you learn.
*A special note of gratitude to my friend and cheerleader of faith & friends, Kelly Balarie: Today’s blog is being featured on Purposefulfaith.com
I posted a quote to my teenage son’s Instagram page that read: Sometimes you win.
equipHER…Just what you have been waiting for!
As the director of the women’s department at the NW Ministry Network, I have the opportunity to meet and work with hundreds of women around the world. One common statements I hear from women is:
I know God has called me. I feel passionate about {FILL IN THE BLANK}.