NEW RELEASE: Free Her Voice Online Magazine (1st Addition)
The day has finally arrived for the release of the first addition of {her} VOICE Magazine !
As a leader in the beautiful “PNW” Pacific Northwest and beyond, you are a part of a community of women and men who want to do big things with their lives.
Lessons from Surabaya…broken wide open
I remember the day I was asked to be a speaker at the ICA Made Over Women’s Conference in Surabaya, Indonesia. I felt excited, honored, and privileged to have this great opportunity. I held my teaching responsibility in great regard with prayer and study for what God wanted to speak to the beautiful women of Surabaya.
Tuesday Talk – When life is not what you expected it to be….
Tuesday Talk is about YOU…
Every Tuesday we engage in one big question, topic or idea. You are invited to write in with a suggestion you want to share. I surely do not have all the answers but know that together we can generate some great conversation and have fun in the process.
Going to Indonesia!
Special Note: I’m flying to Indonesia to speak for the Made Over Women’s Conference! As you read this I will probably be heading to the airport with friend and fellow speaker Angela Howard. If you haven’t heard the story behind the trip to Indonesia see the video and the blog below written by my friend Angela Howard.
You are the first!
I thought of you as I rode the escalator from floor to floor at Nike Town in New York City. Each floor was adorn with inspirational quotes to empower and encourage visitors to achieve their goals!
No excuses. No past failures. You have a destiny to achieve and dreams to follow!