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Angela Craig is a passionate pioneer in the world of online ministry. When Angela left my office to plant an online church, I watched in amazement as Jesus used her to reach hundreds in just a few months. Listen to her advice and follow it and you’ll do well.

Don Ross

Author, Turnaround Church; Superintendent, NWMN of the Assemblies of God

More books by Angela

Pivot Leadership

Regardless of where you work or play, it is easy to see how you are leading in more areas than you think you are. Your leadership has influence. That influence empowers people to move forward towards a common goal. As a wife, a mom, a team leader, coach, and minister I am constantly looking for and collecting tools for personal and professional growth. I want to impact the lives of others with my words and actions. That is why I wrote Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change. Pivot Leadership is an invitation for every leader who wants to leave their footprints in their organizations, their families, and ultimately the world!

Pivot Leadership Companion

Pivot Leadership: Training Companion will be your toolkit to fix, solve, create, and plan personal and professional success! Pivot Leadership: Training Companion is packed FULL of exercises for personal growth and team building: Mission & Vision Planning, Goal Setting, Team Building, Communication Skills, Time Management, Working with your Strengths, Discovering Purpose, Becoming Unstoppable, And More… Pivot Leadership: Training Companion is meant to be presented in partnership with Pivot Leadership: Small Steps: Big Change. 

Pivot Leadership​ Spanish Edition

Regardless of where you work or play, it is easy to see how you are leading in more areas than you think you are. Your leadership has influence. That influence empowers people to move forward towards a common goal. As a wife, a mom, a team leader, coach, and minister I am constantly looking for and collecting tools for personal and professional growth. I want to impact the lives of others with my words and actions. That is why I wrote Pivot Leadership: Small Steps…Big Change. Pivot Leadership is an invitation for every leader who wants to leave their footprints in their organizations, their families, and ultimately the world!

The Story of Leah: When Life Is Not What You Expected It To Be

Let me ask you a question. Has life turned out the way you expected? As we travel through The Story of Leah together, you will find that Leah faced this same question. Sometimes Leah’s life was not what she expected because of what others did. Then there were other times when her life was not what she expected because of her own actions. Regardless, Leah’s story is filled with drama. If you have never studied the story of Leah, Rachel, and Jacob, I think you will be fascinated with the storyline of rivalry, conflict, deception, envy, oppression, and final redemption. But what I don’t want you to miss is how God can take an ancient story and make it relevant to our world today!