Hello friends,
How are you holding up?
Has COVID quarantine derailed your goals? In today’s podcast, I share 6 things that helped me write, “ Online Jesus” in 38 days. I hope it encourages you!
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Life & Leadership
Life & Leadership
Last week I wrote a blog titled: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow…learning to create an intentional life. I promised you this week we would tackle the things that keep us from creating an intentional life.
Here are a few of the things I think we should talk about:
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow…learning to create an intentional life.
I scribbled these words on the back of a church program I found in the bottom of my purse as I sat in the passenger seat next to my husband, Mark. We were driving to his father’s house for what could be our last hello and good-bye to Mark’s step-mom.
It is time to rethink the obvious. Smartphones and social media are reframing our calendar and defining our lives.
Over the last two-plus decades since the Internet IPO, internet users have increased from 35 million in 1995 to 2.8 billion in 2015. And 73 % of the global population uses a cellular phone (up from 1% in 1995).