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Life & Leadership
Photo Credit: Jon Tyson @jontyson
Mark and I just returned from a trip to Nashville. Nashville is a place you go to chase your dreams. Singers songwriters music producers…you name it, they are there. But how many people really become famous?
Mathematician, Samuel Arbesman came up with a clever shortcut for getting that number: Divide the “famous-people” count by the global population (7,059,837,187) It is and you get 0.000086,
Photo by Liam Macleod on Unsplash
Some are leaving the church because they’ve received a false gospel. Others are leaving because they’ve found the real one. SKYE JETHANI
According to Barna, 1 in 3 people are dechurched.
There is a lot of questions about how the digital world is reforming our connections.
Working in the digital realm, I have questions too.
For example: Can empathy be learned online?
I recently
finished reading Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a
Digital Age ,
Graphic Credit: Charity Rattray
Worth. My entire existence has centered on finding self-worth.
In high school, I got
tired of being called, the Fat – Bible Thumper. (Now, that is a name everyone wants to claim, right!) So I quit
I hadn’t found worth there anyways.