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How will 9.9 hours a day of screen time define you? {A Series on Balance}

It is time to rethink the obvious. Smartphones and social media are reframing our calendar and defining our lives.

Over the last two-plus decades since the Internet IPO, internet users have increased from 35 million in 1995 to 2.8 billion in 2015. And 73 % of the global population uses a cellular phone (up from 1% in 1995).

Achieve Purposeful Balance and Overcome a Cluttered Calendar {A Series on Balance}


This week I had the privilege to speak at the Snoqualmie Valley Moms gathering on how to: “Achieve Purposeful Balance and Overcome a Cluttered Calendar.”

It couldn’t fit better with our current series on balance so I want to share my notes with you in today’s blog.