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Achieve Purposeful Balance and Overcome a Cluttered Calendar {A Series on Balance}


This week I had the privilege to speak at the Snoqualmie Valley Moms gathering on how to: “Achieve Purposeful Balance and Overcome a Cluttered Calendar.”

It couldn’t fit better with our current series on balance so I want to share my notes with you in today’s blog.

The Art of Being a Woman: I don’t live in a model home but you are still invited over. {Week Five}

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In the past, I spent exorbitant amounts of time cleaning and decorating my home. My first boyfriend even told me I was the one who taught him how to make lines in the carpet with the vacuum cleaner. Now, there is a lasting impression every girl wants to make on her first boyfriend!

The Art of Being a Woman: Smoothing out the wrinkles of my heart {Week Four}

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Minutes after I posted the blog, The Art of Being a Woman: That Outfit Makes me Look Fat, I received an email from our family photographer. The subject line read: I hope I don’t get in trouble. In the email our photographer began his note with: “Not that any touch ups are necessary…” BUT…  “I tried to smooth out some signs of age.