25 Scriptures for Intentional Living…
Last week I wrote a blog titled: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow…learning to create an intentional life. I promised you this week we would tackle the things that keep us from creating an intentional life.
Here are a few of the things I think we should talk about:
- Letting go of the past
- Forgiveness
- Identity- low self-concept (The ideas that I am not good enough)
- Busyness (The illusion that we are accomplishing something)
- Lack of goal setting &
A kayak, a duck-taped paddle, and a wine cork…
It was a perfect sunny day on the beaches of Mazatlan. My oldest son wanted to go kayaking and my youngest wanted to play golf. Since I love to kayak and my husband loves to golf, the pair-up was obvious. After breakfast, Austin and I headed down the beach to find someone we could rent a kayak from.
That Outfit Makes Me Look Fat
Last night at an auction, the auctioneer had two assistants dressed in the evening’s theme of Denim & Diamonds. This pair looked stunning in their stage costumes. In addition, they were talented performers in song and dance. But it was not too soon into the live auction that the man faded to the background as the woman began to showcase the smaller auction items between her breasts,