You are invited to write in with topic suggestion, questions, or great thoughts you want to share. I surely do not have all the answers but know that together we can generate some great conversation and have fun in the process.
Have you ever felt like God was planning your life behind your back? That’s exactly how I (Angela Howard) felt as I sat in a Sunday morning service this past November listening to missionary John Taylor speak. While watching a video of John and Korie’s work in Surabaya,
Did you know that March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month?
Why is this important?
According to the Brain Injury Association of America, each year an estimated 1.7 million children and adults in the United States sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI),
As a Professional Coach and general cheerleader of human potential, I am always curious to what holds us back as human beings from experiencing a life full of purpose and adventure.
When I hear the words, oppression and shame, I don’t immediately think of them as road blocks for the average person.