This is a repost from a blog I wrote in 2017, but an important one.
There is so much confusion and pain around the words “white privilege”, I wanted to share my story as a white woman.
I remember the first time I heard the words “white privilege”
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Life & Leadership
Photo by Ximena Torres Rodríguez on Unsplash
I remember the first time I stood at the foot of Lady Liberty. Her official name, Liberty Enlightening the World.
Robed in a cloak
representing liberty, she holds a torch above her head with her right hand,
Albert Einstein said: “A human being is part of the whole, called by us, the universe.” Every day at Pursuit Church Live (PCL), technology gives us the opportunity to connect the world in one place. (If you have not heard, we are the first church to have its main campus on Facebook.)
I have the privilege to watch in awe –
Last night at an auction, the auctioneer had two assistants dressed in the evening’s theme of Denim & Diamonds. This pair looked stunning in their stage costumes. In addition, they were talented performers in song and dance. But it was not too soon into the live auction that the man faded to the background as the woman began to showcase the smaller auction items between her breasts,