Why I became a church planter…
Have you ever thought the world needed to rethink church?
As I was reading the book, Exponential by Dave & Jon Ferguson, as an assignment for our Women’s Church Planting Cohort I was co-leading, I was struck by these words,
… my best estimates tell me that at least one-third to one-half of the American population will never come to churches like the ones you and I attend.
Are you living on-purpose or on-demand? 5 ways to live different
Every day, I get to do what I love. Create, teach, equip, resource, and encourage.
I could live by the motto: Eat, breath, sleep, repeat, when it comes to my vocation. Events, training, collaborative meetings, serving, new ideas, emails and social media messages seem to come as if I am playing a rapid fire game of Minute-to-Win-It.
25 Scriptures for Intentional Living…
Last week I wrote a blog titled: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow…learning to create an intentional life. I promised you this week we would tackle the things that keep us from creating an intentional life.
Here are a few of the things I think we should talk about:
- Letting go of the past
- Forgiveness
- Identity- low self-concept (The ideas that I am not good enough)
- Busyness (The illusion that we are accomplishing something)
- Lack of goal setting &