As a coach you would think I would be a big fan of goal setting at the beginning of a New Year. I am not. So often we set goals we will never keep or didn’t really want in the first place. In fact, only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them.
Think back to the times you have heard the story of the birth of Christ. It probably didn’t start with a reading of the genealogy of Jesus, unless you were at our recent Christmas party, where our Network Leader gave a devotional I will never forget.
We are entering the “giving season”. Our hearts long to give. The core of traditional giving is to fulfill the physiological needs of people. We purchase the beautiful gifts, spending hours wrapping them for the perfect picture on Christmas morning. We collect items for food banks,
In a recent class on, “How to Handle Holiday Stress” one person suggested putting a basket at the front door. As each guest arrives, have them take a piece of paper from the basket. On each piece of paper, the guest will find a chore: set table,